Confirmation – I must look old.

‘It’s no good all this pretence. There comes a time when telling oneself that maybe other people get old but it’s not going to happen to you and that it is pure coincidence that policeman are getting younger only because they are recruiting more, no longer convinces. Unfortunaely for me … that day has come.

I have the builders in. Except that they are out, redoing my patio.
But the electric socket they are using is in. Until they blew it … and all the electricity in the house too.
I tore downstairs as my computer – and my precious new book – Book 3 of a trilogy – went black.
‘We’re so sorry, water got into the cable.’
No excuse, those things might happen to me but young men cannot use clumsiness or forgetfulness as an excuse.
I go towards the kitchen ready to flip the cut-out switch on the fuse.
I then position a stool ready to climb on to it.
Young builder – eying his dirty boots which need to be removed before traipsing over my carpet. ‘Would you like me to come round to the front of the house and do that for you?’
Immediate rush of conflicting emotions:
Yes, it was good of him to offer. What a very considerate young man.
No, it was totally and insultingly unthinking to imply that I look as if I am far too old to climb on a stool.
I stretched to my full height.

I can manage quiet easily,’ I said with dignity, eyeing a nearby radiator and doorknob on which to lean while I climbed up.

14 thoughts on “Confirmation – I must look old.

      1. Oh, I figured it really happened!

        Not long ago I was dragging the trashcan back to the house from the curb, a car literally stopped in the middle of the road, this young girl who couldn’t have been barely out of high-school bounced out and said in this obnoxious voice, “Let me get that for you ma’am, that must be so too heavy for you.”

        I smiled and waved and said, “Sweetie, I used to own a 90 pound Lab and before he died I was carrying him in and out of this house alone. Thanks but I’ve got it.”

        Annoys me to no end!


        PS. I get your posts via email now and so happy to see this.

        Have a magnificent Monday.

        Patty L. Fletcher

        Self-Published Author and Social Media Promotional Assistant


        See my latest book, Pathway to Freedom Broken and Healed: How a Seeing Eye Dog Retrieved My Life Second Edition in eBook and Paperback at:

        Find it in various accessible formats:

        See my Facebook business page:


      2. Yes, I can see how your experience would’ve been.

        Patty L. Fletcher

        Self-Published Author and Social Media Promotional Assistant


        See my latest book, Pathway to Freedom Broken and Healed: How a Seeing Eye Dog Retrieved My Life Second Edition in eBook and Paperback at:

        Find it in various accessible formats:

        See my Facebook business page:


  1. Awesome!
    And, I know I’m younger than you, but I’m starting to have similar experiences.
    Since I never used to, I know it is not due to my blindness. It is because I walk with a pronounced limp when I am tired or when it rains.
    Love the post.


    1. Barbara, I know this will sound crazy to you, but I have started walking laps around my yard, and up and down the block. I have gone to seed. When Campbell was alive and still working, we walked 3 to 5 miles each day and that was just our normal. Sometimes if we had a lot of places to go it was more. I miss that so much. I was in such good shape and knowing myself now makes me cry.

      We have a Zoom Easy Chair Yoga class on Zoom and other great stuff too. We’d love to have you if you like I can send you that info. I’m going to start going regularly. I am not sure the instructor does video but she’s quite descriptive. I can chat about it with her if you like. We mustn’t let ourselves go. Love and hugs.

      Patty L. Fletcher

      Self-Published Author and Social Media Promotional Assistant


      See my latest book, Pathway to Freedom Broken and Healed: How a Seeing Eye Dog Retrieved My Life Second Edition in eBook and Paperback at:

      Find it in various accessible formats:

      See my Facebook business page:


      1. I paid for Better 5 classes last March and never got around to them – I work every morning and go for a long walk in the afternoon. I will go back to the gym in the summer but bought an exercise bike to use while watching tv. in the evening – so regretfully thanks for the invite but I just would never get around to attending.


      2. Well, these classes are free.

        Patty L. Fletcher

        Self-Published Author and Social Media Promotional Assistant


        See my latest book, Pathway to Freedom Broken and Healed: How a Seeing Eye Dog Retrieved My Life Second Edition in eBook and Paperback at:

        Find it in various accessible formats:

        See my Facebook business page:


  2. Hi Barb,
    Thanks for posting! I am amazed to find I am 60. When did that happen when I still feel like a college student figuring out the world?! But yes, people are responding to me that way. too. LOL. I love your illustrations.
    Take care,


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